Listed Buildings.
We have a long history of working with Listed buildings, and those in Conservation areas, in London and East Anglia. The Suffolk Longhouse farm building is a classic local style and we have worked with a number of these timber framed structure in the past. In addition we have completed award winning works to an array of listed buildings from churches, stately homes, modern movement buildings and more. Our sheer love of poking around buildings means we are interested in working on any project.

New Build.
We can learn a great deal from the environs around us and we take our cues for design from them. A lot of our work is in Conservation Areas and we are very familiar with the vernacular of East Anglia and its influences over time; we are also adept at taking this vernacular and creating new striking designs from it.

Family Homes.
We recognise that the family home is the greatest investment that can be made in a lifetime. Therefore any works undertaken to this must not only fulfill our clients brief but also respect their budgets and the economic impact of their decisions. We put careful planning at the forefront of all of our projects to ensure that a client’s money is well spent and put to the best economic use without affecting the final design.

Bespoke Design.
We are not a one size fits all practice. Each project is just as important as the next regardless of size and client. We aim to make beautiful spaces and buildings with all of our clients and achieve the most we can to suit any budget. Careful design and planning is at the heart of any successful design – not just using expensive materials and precarious design because of a perceived iconographic design.

Quick Contact
- 01728 901115
- 07887 841720